Crisp Bacon

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Control cute pink piglet to run, jump, crawl, roll and FART through fun levels filled with obstacles, enemies and traps!

Join our pink hero Crisp Bacon, who is blessed by the magical Fart Spirit with an extraordinary inner powers, in an adventure full of action, danger, acorns and beer. Run away from derpy bees, slam them with your bottom or fart in their faces (they really hate it). Avoid crazy hedgehogs, rolling trees, mines, traps and saw blades using your reflexes with a help of smelly, but funny powerups.

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One response

  1. Posted March 5, 2015 at 10:22 am | Permalink

    How do you gat on to this web site i will give you 6 hints.
    1 you have to find Google corm.
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    4 you have to what for then you what in till the games lode up.
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