Stress relief vitamins

Best stress relief vitamins include B-complex, which are best taken with vitamin C, because vitamin C helps your body to work properly, vitamin A and vitamin E. A longer article discussing these vitamins, natural remedies and foods to take is coming soon. Check this website later and while you’re waiting play some stress relief games!

Nine out of ten doctors would agree that the best remedy and vitamin for stress is humor. While it might be a bit unrelated to this section of our page, we would like to recommend this famous comedian quotes website full of funniest quotes by famous comedians.

What do you think about vitamins and stress relief?

One response

  1. Termo
    Posted January 23, 2013 at 6:22 pm | Permalink

    B-vitamin deficiency can cause many various problems, not only with stress, but mostly with skin, hair and nails. Be aware.
